Emerging Scholars Network
Fiona Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania
Current Research:
Technology and conflict in East Asia
Assistant Research Fellow, Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica
Current Research:
Strategic interaction between rising powers and existing hegemons
Associate Professor in National Security, Intelligence and Cyber Security, Macquarie University
Current Research:
Rising powers as
norm agents
Lecturer, The Australian National University
Current Research:
theories of
alliance cohesion
Senior Fellow of National Institute for Defence Studies (NIDS), Ministry of Defence, Japan
Current Research:
Japan’s grand strategy
Lecturer, University
of St Andrews
Current Research:
Nexus between security and development
in East Asia
PhD Candidate, Political Science and International Relations at University of Southern California
Current Research:
Cultural norms and social institutions in historical East Asia
Senior Lecturer, Department of War Studies King's College London
Current Research:
Role of nuclear history, commemoration and memory, with a focus on Asia
Senior Research Fellow, Notre Dame International Security Center, University of Notre Dame
Current Research:
Small states' and rising powers' fight for status
Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University
Current Research:
Diplomatic practices of marginal diplomatic actors
Assistant Professor of International Relations, Peking University
Current Research:
Transnational actors and networks in conflicts
Research Scholar
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC)
Stanford University
Current Research:
Nationalist protests
and international
crisis bargaining
Lecturer in Global Politics, Politics Department, The University of Manchester
Current Research:
peacebuilding approaches in conflict-affected communities in Southeast Asia
Assistant Professor Department of International Relations,
London School of Economics
Current Research:
History and evolution of the Indian military’s
strategic culture
Associate Professor of History, Singapore Management University
Current Research:
Southeast Asia’s
culture-makers and
foreign relations
Associate Professor, Victoria University of Wellington
Current Research:
Role of power and ideas in the making of world orders

PhD Candidate, Australian National University
Current Research:
Mutual restraint between China and Southeast Asia
Associate Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University
Current Research:
Middle powers and multilateralism in the
Asia Pacific
Associate Professor, Thammasat University
Current Research:
Thailand’s role in the Mekong sub-region
Senior Lecturer, University of Bristol
Current Research:
Role of secondary powers and Asia's contested
order transition
Assistant Professor of International Security, George Mason University
Current Research:
China's use of coercion on issues of national security