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Panel at the International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Conference 2019 

At the 2019 International Studies Association Asia-Pacific Conference held at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in July 2019, GRADNAS Senior and Emerging Scholars organised a panel with other shcolars on 'Ideas, Development and East Asia's Order Transition' to explore changing and competing ideas, norms, narratives, and practices around development in China, Korea, and Japan, and the effect of these ideas upon East Asia's order transition. 


The papers were:

  • Xiaoyu Lu (Oxford/ANU): 'When the Local Returns to the Global: Movements and Translations of China's Development Experience'

  • Amy King (ANU): 'China, development, and Bretton Woods: the role of collective ideas in order transition'

  • Evelyn Goh (ANU): 'Chinese 'developmentalism', the developmental state, and East Asia's order transition'

  • Hidetaka Yoshimatsu (Ritsumeikan): 'Analysing Japan;s purposeful support for infrastructure development in Asia'

  • Hyeon Seok Park (KAIST): 'Poitics of Taxation in Korea and Japan: Economic Polarization and Legacies of Developmental State'

  • Sung-Young Kim (Macquarie), Elizabeth Thurbon (UNSW), Hao Tan (Newcastke) & John Mathews (Macquarie): 'Tracking Developmental Environmentalism in East Asia: korea and China's efforts to drive clean energy transitions'


The discusscants were Helen Nesadurai (Monash Malaysia) and Fengshi Wu (UNSW). 





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From left to right: (Back row) Hyeon Seok Park, Sung-Young Kim, Amy King, Xiaoyu Lu, Hidetaka Yoshimatsu (Front row) Fengshi WU, Helen Nesadurai, Evely Goh

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