Asian Security Reading Group Special Research Seminar:
The Use and Abuse of Theory in Asia-Pacific Security Research
Professor Yuen Foong Khong | National University of Singapore
When: Wednesday 25 November 2015, 3.30-5.00pm
Where: APCD Boardroom, Level 2, Hedley Bull Centre.
This seminar addressed the challenges of finding the balance between empirical integrity and theoretical rigour in the type of research that falls in the ‘grey areas’ between Political Science and Area Studies. Professor Khong discussed strategies for publishing in the leading international outlets, and developing international research networks and sources of funding.
Pre-seminar reading: Alastair Iain Johnston, “What (If Anything) Does East Asia Tell Us About International Relations Theory?” Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 15 (June 2012): 53-78.
Yuen Foong Khong is Li Ka Shing Professor of Political Science at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the School in August 2015, he taught at Oxford (1994-2015) and Harvard (1987-1994) Universities. His research interests include United States foreign policy, the international relations of the Asia Pacific, and cognitive approaches to international relations. He is the author of the acclaimed Analogies at War: Korea, Munich, Dien Bien Phu and the Vietnam Decisions of 1965 (Princeton, 1992). His recent publications include “The American Tributary System,” The Chinese Journal of International Politics (2013) and “The United States Response to China’s Rise,” International Security (2013/2014). He is currently working on two long-term projects, International Politics: The Rules of the Game and The American Tributary System. Professor Khong’s ANU visit is partly supported by an RSAP Distinguished Visitor grant obtained by members of the Asian Security Reading Group. For further information about ASRG, contact evelyn.goh@anu.edu.au (faculty) or ryosuke.hanada@anu.edu.au (HDR).